It’s been a long time since I’ve written creatively.
I’ve done a few blog posts about tech and politics on my other blog, but I haven’t made stories in quite a while. I’ve really missed it. I wish I could have come back sooner, but things have been a tad crazy. I had a kid and then I almost died. It’s all very dramatic, but that’s not what I’m here to write about.
I’m genuinely excited by this little project. Serials and shorts written for pure fun, in my own weird little world. I have no idea if anyone will read it and I find myself not worrying much about it. It’s a nice place to be as a hobbyist writer, really. I’m not sure if I’ll do the whole submission grind thing later down the line, but for now having my own little corner of the internet where the only person I’m trying to please is me feels like the smart move.
I’ll keep this first entry short and sweet, end it here.
Thanks for reading.